Under The Mistletoe (Mistletoe Leblanc & Slay Belle Katarina TF)
Christmas! The most wonderful time for the year for thousands of people all around the world - Nathan and his friend Matthew were no exceptions: Of course, when they were kids they pretty much only enjoyed the holidays for the presents Santa would magically give them, but now as young adults the two men loved the holiday for the cheery atmosphere it seemed to radiate everywhere, the classic festive tunes and carols that always managed to worm their way into your ears and of course, just being around your family and friends and reveling in the Christmas spirit. But the best was easily the fact that the two friends could always visit each other during the holiday to play games together, as well as just talking on phones or the internet to keep their spirits up.
Whilst Nathan was well into celebrating Christmas this year, his friend Matthew… was not: Ever since the 1st of December, the cheerful friend had suddenly mellowed out; becoming less excitable and quieter than usual, even whilst they played games together. But despite feeling concern for his friend, Nathan decided not to press the issue - being close friends, he assumed Matthew would feel comfortable with talking to him if anything was wrong. But as Christmas Day came closer and closer, Matthew still remained glum and didn’t even hint about anything that could be wrong - at least, anything that Nathan could have picked up.
It was a cold Saturday night when, after an evening of playing Halo and watching The Grinch when Nathan decided that it was time to confront Matthew about what was going on. As his friend slid into his fleecy red jacket and turned to open the door, Nathan suddenly blurted out “Wait!”
Matthew immediately turned around with a look of confusion on his face as he adjusted his sleeves. “What is it?”
“I, uh…” Nathan sighed. “Are you OK, Matthew?”
The already raise eyebrow on his friend’s face went even further. “Uh, yeah… Why?”
“I dunno, it’s just.. Ever since Christmas, you’ve seemed a bit… off, I guess?”
Matthew crossed his arms. “What do you mean, ‘off’?”
“I dunno, you just seem to be a bit down, that’s all. Is everything OK?”
Matthew didn’t respond at first; simply scratching the back of his head and causing a slightly awkward silence to enter the hallway. After a couple of moments, he sighed and shrugged his head before saying “I don’t know myself, honestly… I think it’s just because I’m getting older now, so Christmas doesn’t really feel as magical as it used to when I was a kid - I didn’t mean to worry you.”
Nathan shook his head. “It’s OK. But I get what you’re saying; the thing I hate most about Christmas is how boring it feels the day afterwards, and once it’s New Years, the shift back to normal just makes everything feel dull. I always like to think of it all as a sort of celebration of the year as a whole, y'know? Looking back at all you did and looking forward for all the cool things you’ll do later and stuff…”
Matthew nodded. “Yeah, I get you. I dunno, maybe it’s just one of those things - I do want to enjoy Christmas, but I just don’t seem to be this year.”
“Well, hopefully you manage to get the Christmas spirit in time - if you want you can stay here for a little longer and play some Halo with me?”
Matthew smiled, but shook his head. “I think I’ll head home now - see ya on new years!” He then turned around and opened the front door; quickly stepping outside and walking out of the drive. Reaching the pavement, he turned around to wave at Nathan and waited until he closed the door before heading down the road towards his home. Obviously, was quite cold out but the slightly icy ground meant that Matthew had to constantly switch between a brisk walk to try and get out of the freezing air and a careful plodding in order not to slip and hurt himself.
Luckily he managed to make it home safely; fishing the keys out of his jacket pocket and stepping inside - but then he his foot bumped into something earlier and he immediately sprung his arms out at the door frame for balance as he momentarily flailed in the air. Managing to regain his balance, Matthew stepped over the.. whatever it was, and looked down at it: Sitting in the middle of of his welcome mat was a small cardboard box no bigger than this hand. As he stared down at the parcel, a frown quickly grew on Matthew’s face - he hadn’t ordered anything recently… maybe it was a gift from his parents? Bending down to pick the parcel up, Matthew walked into his living and sat on the edge of his sofa.
As he sat there staring at the packet, Matthew suddenly felt something on the back of it - turning it around revealed a yellow sticky note that had also been sellotaped onto the cardboard to make sure it held on. There was a message on the note, which was in written in rather eloquent looking cursive:
“Nobody should feel down, especially during Christmas - this precious present will fill you the Christmas spirit and make it a day to remember for both you and your friends!”
There was no name attached - in fact, there wasn’t even an address from whoever had sent this. What was even more confusing was the handwriting - the style didn’t look like it belonged to anybody he knew - this definitely wasn’t from Nathan, in case this was some sort of surprise present by him. Curiosity building inside him, Matthew placed the package on his lap and peeled off the tape placed on each side of the box before gently lifting it up… and what he saw confused him even more: A large snowflake that seemed to be made out of glass was inside, sitting comfortably in a rather lavish looking red silky cloth… not exactly the kind of gift that would make his day, although he had to admit it did look rather pretty.
Gently grabbing the top of the snowflake, Matthew slowly lifted it out and continued inspecting it: Although he hadn’t put on a light just yet, the decoration still sparkled brilliantly like a jewel - it could be some sort of decoration for a christmas tree, but eventually Matthew came to the conclusion that it would be a waste of such a beautiful accessory to place it on a tree that sat in the corner for most of the month before being taken off and shoved into a dusty attic or garage - no, something as pretty as this deserved to be seen by everyone… but how?
Placing the snowflake in his hand, Matthew stood up as he thought about the best place it should go… but he was soon snapped out of them when he felt a sudden wetness appear in the palm of the hand he was holding the snowflake - looking down to see what was causing it, he gasped as he saw that the snowflake was melting away, little drops tapping against the wooden floorboard below. It was as if the snowflake was actually made out of ice, but Matthew’s hand didn’t even feel the slightest bit cold, even as the water trickled over his fingers and down his wrist.
Running into the kitchen, Matthew darted around to find something to place the snowflake on…. but just as he opened the drawer, he noticed the slight weight in his palm had gone. Looking at his palm, he then felt a pang of worry spring inside his stomach as he saw that the snowflake had completely melted away. Closing the drawer slowly, he sighed and started to head back into the living room - although he still didn’t know who had sent him the snowflake, he was sure that they’d be annoyed to know that he’d already broken it within minutes of opening the parcel. But just before he could sit back down, a cold shiver suddenly shot up his arm and throughout his body.
“Ok, that was weird…” he thought as he dried his hand in his red jacket. “Must’ve just been a draft from the firepla-”
Matthew’s spine suddenly pushed out with an audible snap, causing him to wheeze as all the air in his lungs was squeezed out of him. The force of the push was so strong that he would’ve fallen flat on his face if it weren’t for him being quick enough to reach out to grab the glass table next to him. Standing back up, he groaned as he felt a fading tightness in his back - unbeknownst to him, his spine was now a perfect “S” shape that currently only slightly emphasised his chest and rear - although in due time this otherwise unnoticeable would pay off considerably.
“Ugh, what the hell was that?” Matthew mumbled to himself as he rubbed his spine. “Hope nothing broke… it would be one way to ruin my Christmas for sure.”
He then sat back down on the sofa - but instead of sitting on the edge with his legs spread out, Matthew sat back and crossed them over in a remarkably feminine fashion - but seeing as he simply grabbed the remote laying next to him and turned on the TV, he didn’t notice he’d done it. There wasn’t really much on the TV on the moment besides for a bunch of Christmas adverts that he’d seen thousands of times before this week alone… but as he watched them, he couldn’t help but notice a sort of warmth building up in his chest, as if a small fire had been lit. The warmth quickly spread across Matthew’s body and as it did, so did a feeling of happiness - a tugging sensation built up around his mouth and Matthew allowed a big, truthfully happy smile to cover his face for the first time that month… but as he smiled, he was unaware that his thin dry lips were plumping out, becoming curved and kissable before being coated in a rosy red sheen.
The next part of Matthew’s body to change were his limbs, especially his legs as the flesh down there simply melted away and left them slimmer and slenderer than ever before - they were smoother too, as all the bristles of hair there simply flaked off as if they had been sliced by an invisible razor. Matthew shuffled a little in his seat as he noticed the slight amount of extra space that had appeared as a result of the change. Drawing his legs closer together, Matthew simply continued to watch the television and flicked a bit of hair that was coming into his view - he could’ve sworn he’d had a haircut only a couple of weeks ago, but perhaps the barber hadn’t cut as much as he thought?
Of course, what was really happening was that Matthew’s short brown hair was gradually growing out past his neck, thickening out slightly as it shaped into a longer version of a bob cut. Then a dark purplish colour began to coat it, starting from the roots and trickling over his entire hair - as of right now, the long flowing hair looked rather bizarre along with his still mostly masculine appearance - but now it was time for a face that fit with the hair framing his head: Still fixated on the cheerful Christmas adverts, Matthew’s eyes began to glisten with glee as he saw how happy the people looked in them as they were surrounded by their friends and family - he wasn’t sure why, but now he suddenly wanted to feel that same kind of happiness.
As he thought this, Matthew’s blue irises began to brighten in both colour and shade, becoming an almost hot pink that sparkled like fairy lights. Then, with each and every blink he took, his eyelashes began to lengthen out into cute curved shape whilst a dark eyeshadow sprinkled around them, interestingly making a downwards line that just stopped above his cheeks - it made his already exotic looking eyes stand out even more and added a mysterious allure to his face. His nose changed next, the bridge elongating whilst also softening; leaving him with a cute button nose. Finally the very shape of Matthew’s head began to shift and lose the angular squareness it had as it was sculpted into rounder oval shaped face that was framed perfectly by his hair.
A small ache appeared in Matthew’s shoulders and he began to roll them individually in an attempt to get rid of them; hearing them crack with every movement was really satisfying, especially with the trickles of pleasure that popped out as it happened. But as he kept rotating his shoulders, Matthew couldn’t tell that they were slowly caving inwards, making the top half of his body look smaller and daintier. The slight aching sensation then appeared around his waist; making Matthew sigh in both frustration and discomfort - in fact he was so annoyed that he felt his throat tightening as a result: But what was really happening was that his Adam’s apple was melting away, leaving his neck completely smooth and causing his groans and sighs to sound much softer and higher pitched - but Matthew didn’t seem to notice as he was too preoccupied by the tightness in his waist as it began to pull in whilst his pelvis gradually flared out, leaving him with wide womanly hips and an overall curvy hourglass figure.
The next change, however, was not to do with Matthew’s body - instead it was his clothes that began to adjust to the body he was gaining: The sleeves of his red jacket began to slowly crawl all the way up his arms; once they reached his armpits the fabric suddenly split into two pieces whilst the back part began to grow out, pushing itself all the way down to his feet whilst the black buttons simply popped off and fell to the floor as they were pushed out. The pockets magically sealed themselves and disappeared as a fluffy white material began to sprout across the edges of the now robe-like clothing - even the shade of red changed too, becoming warmer and brighter from the faded red colour it was from years of being worn. The part of the robe that formed into the hoodie began to pull together around his neck; when they got close enough they began to form a small ruby gem that was framed in a gold clasp that, once it was finished materialising, connected the sides together with a nice little click.
Matthew’s shirt and trousers were next to change, with the latter fusing together with the former as it’s legs began to slide up their owners long, slender legs. They stopped just before they could expose his crotch, although the edge of his plain blue boxers just poked out underneath. Next, the same warm red as the robe Matthew now had began to appear in splotches all over his shirt now - and where it appeared and spread, the fabric began to change to a more silkier material. The hem of his trousers also began to toughen into leather as a gold buckle grew in the middle whilst the part of the shirt around his shoulders split off and began to retreat downwards, only stopping once it reached around his nipples. The edges there then began to sprout the same fluffy white feathers as the ones on his robe whilst a couple of small yellow laces appeared on his abdomen - it now looked like he was wearing a sexy Santa costume, although he was certainly… lacking in some departments still.
The grey socks he was wearing began to pull upwards, stretching all the way past his knees as they darkened and tightened into a pair of leathery stockings that were practically skin tight against his legs, although there wasn’t really much thigh to show off above… yet. His shoes, a pair of black trainers, also began to change, the laces being slowly absorbed into the quickly toughening material as they morphed into leathery boots that actually made his feet a bit warmer than before, even though there was slight bit of discomfort - it was like the boots were made for feet a couple sizes smaller than Matthew’s. A strange warmth then appeared around Matthew’s hands as the same black leather as the stockings on his legs began to grow around them, swiftly climbing past his wrists and reaching just up to his elbows before seeming to stop.
His clothes now finished transforming, it was time for Matthew’s body to adjust to the new outfit he’d gained - although in his mind, Matthew saw nothing wrong with what he was wearing: It was Christmas after all; wearing this was making him feel all comfy and happy… and he had a feeling the rather sexy style it had would certainly make a lot of people merry~ A sultry smile growing on his feminine face, Matthew began to think about where people would look the most… and as he thought about his long legs, his feet began to feel comfier inside his cute boots as they shrunk and became daintier, the toenails getting coated in the same rosy red as the one on his lips. His thighs then thickened as the flesh there became softer and juicier, adding an extra bit of curve to his body.
His hands changed next; fingers slimming and lengthening as their nails were coating in festive colours of green red and gold - perfect for wrapping presents and around… well, other things~ Matthew couldn’t help but raise a hand to his mouth as he let out a giggle, not noticing how high pitched and seductive it was: He wasn’t sure why he was thinking such strange, sexy thoughts… but he was enjoying them! He shifted around again on the sofa as a tingling sensation appeared around his rear - a couple seconds later and the flesh there began ripple as it grew rapidly, causing Matthew to rise ever so slightly as he gained a large round ass that was was just barely covered by the hem of his outfit - he chuckled again as he thought about “accidentally” dropping something and just bending aaaall the way over to pick it up~
Suddenly, the face of a young man with brown hair appeared in Matthew’s mind - it was Nathan! Leaning his head back, Matthew closed his eyes as he began to think about his friend: Was it just him, or did his friend look really… really, well, hot? Letting out a lustful sigh, Matthew began to notice things about Nathan that he’d never picked up on before: that tight, lean body he had hidden away underneath that shirt… he suddenly remembered shaking his hand earlier when he entered his house - mmmph, there was such a strength in that grasp… and of course, how could he forget that small amount of stubble sprinkled around his face that just hinted at the sexy masculinity in his otherwise shy attitude?
Complete submerged in his thoughts, Matthew hadn’t noticed the warmth building up around his chest - and if he had, he wouldn’t have even worried about it because it made him feel even more aroused. Suddenly, a massive wave of bliss flowed out from his nipples and straight into his crotch as soft pillowy flesh began to develop underneath his ribcage, pushing outwards and easily filling out the space left by the corset-like design of his Santa costume. Moaning loudly now, Matthew squirmed and wriggled in his seat; grabbing one of the jiggly orbs with a gloved hand before groping it as he imagined it was that same grip he’d had on his hand…
It was now time for Matthew to undergo the final change from his Christmas present: His manhood, which by this point was fully erect and sort of sandwiched between his thighs, began to recede into his groin and continuously send pulse after pulse of pleasure with every inch, every centimetre that was absorbed into his body along with his testicles. Eventually with one final tug, they pulled deep into his waist and formed into the ovaries and the fallopian tubes - Matthew let out a passionate wail as a surge of bliss blazed through his body - an intense heat grew in his newly formed womanhood that felt so new and yet somehow familiar at the same time… her mind racing with images of Nathan now, Matthew felt an urge growing in the back of her mind: An urge to thank her friend for cheering her up… she just wanted to go back there and make him fill her… with the Christmas spirit, of course~
That one final image of the two of them embracing underneath a christmas tree was too much, and Matthew unleashed her first female orgasm… but then why did she remember doing this sort of thing before? Her mind simply a haze of lust, she was completely powerless to stop “remembering” all the new memories flooding into her mind - and with all these memories, a new personality began to form too: A name like Matthew didn’t really fit her any more - but then she was never called Matthew, was she? No, her name was and had always been Leblanc - it was really *Emilia* Leblanc, but she preferred using her mysterious and more exotic sounding surname when introducing herself.. and there was one man in particular she was going to introduce herself to tonight~
Leblanc stayed where she was on the sofa for a couple minutes, eyes closed and breasts heaving as she basked in afterglow of her climax. Once she’d calmed down, she stood up and turned off the television before heading out of the house - and the second she closed the door, all the photos of Matthew in the house simply faded away as if they’d never existed in the first place. Of course, Leblanc didn’t care too much because she’d never actually return to her past life or this home ever again.
Pulling the hood of her cape up over her head and pulling the cloak together, Leblanc walked back down the road, the *click clack* of her high-heeled boots echoing around the quiet evening street. Even though she had her cloak pulled over her, the sheer scarcity of clothing on her should’ve turned her into a living icicle, but there was just something magical about her that kept her warm and toasty underneath - heh, as if she wasn’t hot enough already~! Eventually, she found her eyes straying to a particular house; the image of the young man appeared in her mind once again and she smiled as she realised that it was his house. Turning into the driveway, Leblanc approached the red wooden door (and appreciated the festive holly wreath hanging on it) and raised a gloved hand to knock on it.
Nathan was sitting in a chair next to the computer in his bedroom when he heard someone knock on the door. Taking off his headphones, Nathan didn’t move as he tried to think about who it could be: Parents hadn’t said they were coming, neither had any of his friends… it couldn’t be Matthew, could it? Perhaps he’d forgotten to take something home with him? Getting out of his chair, Nathan quickly raced downstairs and opened the front door - but instead of Matthew, it was a figure wearing a red hooded cloak who was standing in front of him. At first he wasn’t sure if they were male or female, but he found out when they spoke:
“Merry Christmas Nathan - are you ready for your present?”
It was the sultry, mature tone of a woman - but it wasn’t a voice that he recognised, even though whoever it was knew him. The woman then raised their gloved hands and pulled down their hood; what Nathan saw made his eyes widen and his jaw drop - it was a beautiful woman with long, flowing purple hair and eyes that glowed the same mystical colour. A couple seconds later and she smiled with those rosy red lips that looked so soft and kissable and that was when Nathan realised he was just ogling at this woman and he hadn’t even said a single world.
“Hel-Hello,” Nathan squeaked before clearing his throat. “Um, hi… Wh-who are you?”
“My name is Leblanc, and I’m your christmas present,” she said seductively before placing a hand on her hip. “Can I… come in?”
Nathan blinked. “I-I…. I don’t… Um, sure?”
“Thank you~!” Leblanc smiled warmly before stepping into the hallway; pushing past Nathan and immediately heading into the living room. Nathan followed her, confused about how this Leblanc woman seemed to have a sense of where things were in his house despite never being here before. Entering the living room, Leblanc walked into the center and slowly turned 360 degrees as she surveyed the room - or rather surveyed the Christmas decoration. Nathan simply stood the doorway, growing more and more confused by the second.
“Hmmm… that is a wonderful Christmas tree,” She remarked gleefully at the tree in the far left corner of the room before looking upwards. “And the snowflakes hanging off the chandelier are cute, too~” But then as she turned past Nathan to the bottom left corner, her face began to sullen. “Hmmm… just tinsel on the fireplace and the mirror… Nothing on the little drawer there? And no offence honey, but that one stocking laying against it doesn’t exactly scream "festive”, does it~?“ Leblanc than raised a splayed palm and slowly brushed it through the air - Nathan opened his mouth to ask what she was doing, but instead found himself gasping as he saw a small christmas tree suddenly sprout out of the woodwork, completely coated in tiny silver and red baubles.
As her leather gloved hand went over the fireplace, the tinsel suddenly multiplied into various red gold and green colours that all carried little bells on them; the stocking resting on the floor suddenly sprung up to mantlepiece and splitting into two versions of itself before enlongating and brightening into larger, lavish stockings that almost touched the carpet.
Nathan just stood there, completely bewildered as he saw all this unravel. "How… how did you do that? Did I eat something weird?”
Leblanc turned around with a smug look on her face. “No, don’t be so silly! I just used some Christmas magic~” Nathan then noticed Leblanc slowly look him up and down with those mysterious purple eyes of hes; an eyebrow slowly rising as she did. Once her eyes locked with his, Nathan swore that they shone a little bit brighter than usual, as if they’d suddenly been energised with a purpose. Gesturing at an armchair near the fireplace, Leblanc said “Sit down, Nathan~” Of course, Nathan knew he could sit wherever he wanted whenever he wanted… but for some reason, he couldn’t help but listen to her voice and found him walking over to and sitting in the green armchair - was it just him or did it actually feel comfier than usual?
Anyways, Nathan was snapped out of his thoughts by Leblanc unclasping and shrugging off her robe to display the sexy, almost lingerie-esque Santa outfit she was wearing underneath: It seemed to hug tightly against every curve on her body, especially around her hips and her big, round breasts that just perfectly filled out the top… Taking a big nervous gulp, Nathan tried to focus on Leblanc’s face as she slowly sauntered over to him - but the sensual manner she was swaying her hips as she did so was just too distracting…!
Standing in front of Nathan now, Leblanc placed her hands on either side of the armchair before peering down at him - she chuckled at the massive blush that had formed over his face, as well as the way his eyes wiggled as he struggled to maintain eye contact with her. She then started to slowly lower head down towards his, licking her lips to make them look even softer and redder than they already did… Moments from kissing, Leblanc heard Nathan ask in a sort of half gasp, half moan:
“L-leblanc, what a-are you doing…?”
Sliding her hands down from the armchair and onto Nathan’ shoulders (loving how he flinched slightly at her touch), Leblanc answered in a husky tone: “Like I said earlier, I’m your christmas present… And it’s time for me to deliver it to you~” Before Nathan could say anything, she pressed her lips against his and slid her tongue inside his mouth. Hands tightly gripping the armrests of his chair, Nathan felt his eyes widen as a short muffled moan slipped out of his throat - he’d never done anything like this before; the sensation of her warm soft tongue sliding around the roof of his mouth before rubbing against his own… it was almost enough for him right there and then.
Gradually, Nathan began to taste a familiar flavour forming on his tastebuds: It was a kind of spicy cinnamon that also seemed to be drifting off of her along with the smallest hint of pine tree - it was basically all the smells and tastes of christmas in one sexy package; Nathan couldn’t help but moan again at how perfect this Leblanc woman seemed to be - he wasn’t sure who sent this strange but absolutely pleasurable present, but he’d definitely have to write a thank you card for them! But just as he was beginning to just melt away into the kiss, Leblanc suddenly pulled away and he let out a little whine.
“Did I do something wrong?” he asked. “If I did, I didn’t mean to-” Leblanc shushed him and placing one gloved finger gently on his lips.
“You didn’t anything wrong, babe.” She said soothingly. “I’m just moving onto the next part of my Christmas gift~” She then climbed onto the armchair and spread her legs onto the rests, causing Nathan to spring his arms away before they touched her thighs. As she sat into his lap, Nathan groaned as he felt her weight press against his crotch - yep, this absolutely wasn’t a dream; she was definitely real and sitting on his lap r-right now! Of course, Nathan felt his trousers suddenly feel tighter than they did a couple seconds ago and his stomach dropped as he began to pray that she didn’t notice -
“Oh my, what’s this…?” Asked Leblanc in a clearly teasing manner before slowly and gently grinding against his groin. “Is that a candy cane, or are you just happy to see me?”
“I-I… mmm, I-I…” Nathan could barely think as his brain started to fog with arousal as hot sparks shot up from his crotch and through his body. “A-are we…? Are you going to…?” Leblanc smiled before letting one hand trail down to the hem of Nathan’s trousers whilst the other went up to the side of his face - the feeling of the cool, sensually smooth leather against his skin was yet another small source of pleasure… but of course, it was immediately being one-upped by the fact that Leblanc was currently undoing his trouser belt and was seconds away from pulling it down-!
Managing to yank both Nathan’s pants and trousers down, the two of them both gasped lightly as they peered down at the now exposed manhood that was quickly growing and hardening by the second. They then slowly looked back and locked eyes with each other - after a couple of tension filled seconds Leblanc suddenly hoisted herself upwards and Nathan felt something warm pressed against the tip of his member, causing him to moan and place his hands on each side of Leblanc’s tight hourglass figure in order to keep her steady.
“Are you ready to fill me… with some Christmas cheer~?” Leblanc asked as she started to slowly rock her hips back and forth against the head of Nathan’s length. The amount of pleasure flowing through him now was unlike any other he’d felt so far in his life; the only response he could was between gasps, grunts and groans was “Y-yes… oh, g-god yes..!” Almost immediately after, Nathan felt the warm wetness consume his tip and begin to cover the entirety of his length; both he and Leblanc moaned in harmony as he pushed all the way inside her.
The second Leblanc reached the base of Nathan’s manhood, she started to slowly rise back up - the sensation of her tight wet walls was mindblowing, and the feeling as they caressed his erection… Nathan shuddered and shivered as he was overwhelmed with bliss. Eventually Leblanc’s pace started quicken and soon the wet sound of flesh smacking against flesh echoed around the room, alongside with a mixture of moans and gasps.
However, as Leblanc continued to buck and thrust her hips… every single bounce; every single spark of pleasure that flowed through Nathan’s body as result was causing him to be filled with the same festive magic that was coursing through Leblanc - already it was beginning to affect him as his short brown hair grew down to his back with some of it even pouring over the back of the armchair. Once it had finished growing, it then started to bleach out from the roots into a bright blonde colour that reflected some of the christmas lights sprinkled across the tree in the corner.
As these changes occurred, Nathan began to feel his mind blur - his memories faded away, alongside with his sense of self, but he was honestly so overwhelmed with lust and desire for Leblanc that he could hardly notice or care. His eyes changed next, the earthy brown colour of his irises brightening into a luscious emerald green whilst a black mascara applied itself to his eyelids, with his eyelashes elongating as they were coated with the powdery substance. His nose melted into a cute button shaped one; his eyebrows thinned out and became a slightly lighter brown than before as the structure of his head began to sculpt itself into a heart-shaped design from it’s more angular masculine one.
Looking down at Nathan and seeing how the Christmas magic had changed him, Leblanc couldn’t help but lower her head down and kiss him again - but as his lips were touched by hers, they started to swell to exact same plumpness and softness that just served to make their kissing even more sensual as Nathan could suddenly feel more of Leblanc, causing him let out a rather soft and girlish moan. Leblanc slipped her tongue inside his mouth once more, and as that wonderful cinnamon flavour filled his mouth again, his lips were coated in the same rosy red gloss that made them look even more appetising than before. The flavour then trickled down Nathan’s throat, making his Adam’s apple gradually retreat into his neck and smoothen both it and his vocal cords.Leblanc pulled away from Nathan once again, although this time he didn’t whine or complain because he was so enraptured by her at this point - he knew now that everything Leblanc did was to fill the two of them with christmas cheer… and well, she definitely was!
Looking down at Nathan - or rather Nathan’s clothes - Leblanc pouted before placing her hands square on his chest; then Nathan felt a a hot wave flash through his body. A couple seconds later and his shoulders began to cave inwards as his arms and legs slimmed down and lose their body hair, leaving them silky s;eel and slender. Then, the next change happened to his clothes - the same red colour that was on Leblanc’s corset began to appear and spread across his shirt, changing into the exact same fabric too. His sleeves split off and snaked down his arms, reaching his wrists before the dull grey colour blackened and toughened into leather gloves - but some the fabric actually split off and remained it’s soft cotton form before brightening into a stripy red and white pattern reminiscent of candy canes. The top part of Nathan’s shirt also split apart and retreated downwards, just stopping an inch or so above Leblanc’s hands. Then the same fuzzy white decoration grew around the edges of his dress as a black belt held together with a golden clasp appeared around his waist - a waist that was now both pulling in and flaring out, leaving him with an amazingly curvy hourglass physique - Nathan now effectively had the same costume as Leblanc save for the trousers shoved down by his knees.
Leblanc then channelled the magic directly into her hands before letting it flow directly into Nathan’s pectoral muscles: He began to feel a warmth build up there, along with a sort of swelling sensation as the tough flesh there began to relax and rapidly grow, causing two mounds to slowly but surely billow out and fill the corset’s bust with a pair of delicious D sized breasts. Having watched the two pillowy orbs billow out, Leblanc couldn’t resist giving them a good teasing squeeze and laughed as Nathan let out a squeal that immediately shifted into a moan of “Ohhh god yes~!”
The warmth then reappeared on Nathan’s rear, which immediately began to burst with the same jiggly, bouncy flesh and tissue that caused it to plump out into a large round ass - but what was the point of having such an ass if you didn’t have the legs to carry it properly? This meant, of course, that the next part to change on Nathan was his thighs as they were filled with fat and tissue in order to make them thick and creamy amongst his recently burgeoned butt and slender legs. This left only one final part of Nathan left to change, and it was currently tensing up as he started to reach boiling point - feeling his length begin to twitch and enlarge a little bit more inside, Leblanc quickened her pace even more as she continued to carefully knead and massage Katarina’s breasts, leaving her a hot and whining mess in the armchair.
…Wait, was that right? Katarina frowned slightly as something in the back of her mind nagged on and on about something being off… Shaking her head slightly and ignoring that silly voice, she continued to look at Leblanc as she rose up and down and up and down, her eyes glinting with desire, lust and need… a need to release deep inside the wonderfully beautiful woman sitting on top of her…
“I n-need… so close…!” she croaked as her eyes began to water. “Please, Leblanc… St-stop t-teasing me like this!”
With a sultry smile, Leblanc said “Alright, alright… just do it whenever you’re ready too, babe~”
Katarina nodded frantically before placing her gloved hands on Leblanc’s shoulders before letting out a loud and passionate shriek as she finally went over the edge, and Leblanc followed suit as she leaned her head back and allowed a long, husky moan to escape her lips as she felt a warmth shoot deep inside her. As Katarina’s spurts began to lessen, the final change began to occur: The last remnant of her masculinity began to gradually shrink even further than it had before, being enveloped deep into her groin alongside her testicles - with one last squirt, they slipped inside and quickly formed into womanhood Katarina had always had, hadn’t she~?
After spending a couple minutes pressed close together, Leblanc pushed herself off of Katarina and stepped back to appreciate her work - and gasped slightly as she looked down at Katarina’s legs… or rather, the clothes that they were wearing - they were a pair of plain trousers and boxers! Fortunately Katarina was still lounging on the chair, her eyes slowly clearing up from the fog of bliss that had covered them for so long, so Leblanc simply waved her hands and watched as the boxers turned into skimpy pink panties. The denim trousers split apart and crawled up Katarina’s slender legs before pulling skintight against the smooth, sleek skin and brightening into the same bright candy-cane pattern as the ones on her arms, being topped not with fluffy white fur but with a green bows individually. Although she wasn’t wearing any shoes, Katarina’s feet suddenly raised in the air as a pair of sexy black high heels materialised around them, causing her legs to look even longer and leaner than before as well as giving her already bouncy butt a hint of firmness to it. For a final festive touch, a yellow headband appeared on Katarina’s scalp which then sprouted a pair of slightly glittery reindeer antlers - Leblanc shuddered as she already began to think about grabbing them and pulling Katarina -
Leblanc jumped slightly as Katarina let out a satisfied sigh and said; “Damn LB… well, Christmas definitely came early, didn’t it?”
Leblanc simply chuckled as she bent down to pick up her cape, making sure to give Katarina a good, long view of her behind as she did so. “So did you enjoy your present, Kat?”
“Damn right I did,” Katarina replied as she pushed herself up before walking up to Leblanc, wrapping her gloved arms around her neck and pulling her close. “Although I never did get to properly unwrap my present now, did I~?” But just before she could lean in for a kiss, Leblanc placed a finger on Katarina’s lips. “Mmmm, now as much as I would enjoy that so very much… it’s not Christmas just yet, is it~?”
Katarina pulled away with a cute little pout and her hands on her hips. “You really are such a god damn tease, you that?” A cheeky grin then spread across her face. “…Well, the second it strikes twelve I hope to be under the mistletoe~”
Clasping her cloak together, Leblanc said “You will be babe, I promise~ But for now…” she then stretched out a hand, which Katarina immediately took with her own. “How about we go take a little walk outside~? I know the weather is frightful… but I’m sure we can find some way to keep warm, won’t we?” The two of them smiling, Leblanc began to lead Katarina out of their house, closing the door behind them as they were finally filled with love, the merry Christmas spirit and… something else.
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