The Secret Empress - (Madame Hydra TG/MC)

The first thing Steve Rogers sensed as he woke up was a biting cold pressing against his back, immediately followed by him noticing just how heavy and sore his eyes felt - in fact his whole head seemed to ache, the dull pulsing kind that you get if you sleep for too long… and although he was quite the expert in that, he didn’t recall having a headache then... or having any since. Was this some sort of side effect from the time-travelling too frequently? He remained calm, however, assuring that Pym, Scott and Tony would have made sure that any drawbacks to doing so wouldn’t be too severe and that he’d recover soon. He could hear people muttering nearby, and wondered just where he was. He hated having to return the Reality Stone back into Jane Foster’s body as it evidently pained her as she slept, but he took comfort in the knowledge that the Asgardians would be able to help her. He’d handed the Time Stone back to the Ancient One, although he noticed...