Starting A Flame In His Heart (Nuka Cola Girl TG/MC)
Although it was now 2019 and everyone around the world was looking forward to what the new year would bring, it didn't mean that everything from 2018 was just suddenly forgotten, and one such thing was Bethseda's management of Fallout 76: What was supposed to be the first multiplayer Fallout game quickly turned out to be a buggy spaghetti coded mess of a game that was made in the same outdated engine Bethseda had been using since Skyrim. What made matters worse was that the actual in game map was rather empty in terms of NPCs, and what was usually the best part of Fallout, the dialogue, wasn't even prevalent due to the multiplayer nature of the game, meaning that there weren't as many NPCs and therefore made the world feel very, very empty. And it didn't even stop there, as a week or so after its release Bethseda accidentally leaked all of their buyers personal information in a email response to those who had issues with their pre-orders gifts, meaning that any...